Ever google for a transparent image and get the feeling of betrayal when this happens?

Stumbling through VCS

I figured that if I wanted to ever keep track of a project that I created and actually liked, then I should probably learn git. and when I say this I mean I have an addiction to resetting my computer at the slightest inconvenience because its just SO easy to start all over instead.

This started however long ago when I booted back into Windows (I kept it around cause I knew I’d forget something) and opened up IntelliJ just for it to auto open to my terrible, terrible recreation of a discord DadBot that existed once upon a time. I had kicked it from the server in a fit of rage and unluckily a few days later found that the bot was taken down, so I took matters in to my own hands. From here the story is speculation because I have barely any memory of ever making the thing. I’m assuming, however, that I opened the JDA docs and followed the basic setup tutorial, found a YouTube tutorial about some EventListener (like I said I dont remember any of this), and finally added my own annoying touch that failed because it can only respond to “im”, not “I’m” “Im” or “I am”. The part I DO remember is learning how to shade a jar file, and I proceeded to ssh into a Raspberry Pi, upload the jar along with a hastily downloaded Azul Zulu JRE, and slapped a little shell file to start the bot a little easier for when I inevitably forget how to do it (good call me).

Getting back to the git part, I needed this thing hosted remote, so using IntelliJ I started the GitHub repo, and realized I uploaded the code with the token hard coded.

Realizing what I just did, I reset the token ASAP, cheffed up a little token file and reader, added the token.txt to gitignore, and pushed it. Thats when I realized there were branches, so I created a development branch and forgot all about it! Finally I had the whole thing up on github, and you can see it too, check it out here! https://github.com/Error-in-my-code/DadBot

More PC Resets? Why?

As anyone familiar with the linux race of humans will say, you’ll know if someone uses Arch because they’ll tell you. So, to keep up the tradition, I just HAVE to tell you, I use Arch BTW.

I had a 256 gig NVME drive sitting around, and decided to do a fun little arch install. Similarly to the first one I had ever done, I went through the whole install, and after absolutely no consideration for any other DE, settled on KDE Plasma, my pride and joy. With the dark-sweet theme or something called like that, it looks PERFECT.

I switched from a bad Raedon GPU to a just as bad NVIDIA gpu, and now I know why Mr. Torvalds stuck the bird to NVIDIA, and I support it entirely.

Learning Java Update

This ones gonna be quick, not much to say at all, I haven’t had much time to improve, and mainly just haven’t given the time to improve. Definitely gotta work on it, but I’ll get to it eventually.

It’s a wrap, the website hasn’t changed, go learn something.

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” - Epictetus