(Picture Unrelated), I just thought it looked cool

New Site, New Software

the website is now being hosted by Hugo!, Using hugo instead of wordpress or self-coding it allows me to write entries like this using markdown, which is the most convienient way for me to write these because I can do them from Obsidian. At the moment I have to manually rebuild the site after every entry but soon I’m going to connect the posts folder to a git repo so I dont have to struggle every time.

July - Summarized

It isn’t quite the end of July yet, but heres an update so far, I have:

  • Gotten about 50% through Codecadamy’s Java course
  • Renewed the domain name and found a long term site host
  • Gotten really into making VR games
  • Decided to learn C so that I can use OpenGL

I want to start learning C soon, but I know I have to get through the Java course before I start or else I’m just going to end up giving up on both. I want to use fortnitely/monthly updates on this site to hopefully hold me accountable and finally make some progress. Maybe I’ll even setup mailchimp or site notifications for sending out new posts.

Thats about all I’ve got for now, hope you like the new website, and go learn a programming language, now

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” - Aristotle